Equity & Options Trading

Equity and options traders use Wall Street Horizon's primary and publicly sourced single-stock event data to stay on top of company happenings for their portfolio and watchlist companies. Knowledge of forthcoming events and event changes gives them the lead time they need to gain a trading edge.

Check out our blog for analysis of corporate events affecting equities and market sectors.

The Wall Street Horizon universe covers 11,000+ companies worldwide on major global exchanges.


Is the next earnings date your top priority?

Earnings Calendar

For firms that only need earnings announcement information, the earnings calendar features upcoming earnings calendar dates - confirmed or forecasted, with the expected timing of announcements. This includes preliminary earnings announcements.


Need to know when earnings dates shift and why?

DateBreaks - Earnings Date Revisions

Institutional investors increasingly rely upon earnings date revisions to help formulate trading and risk strategies. Recent academic research has shown that tracking changes to earnings announcement dates can help investors generate additional alpha or mitigate risk in their portfolios.



Need to know earnings confirmation timing even earlier in the cycle?

Confirmation Timing

Discretionary traders seek to identify strategies that either cut losses short or use those that allow winning stocks to run. The Confirmation Timing product can do both. Wall Street Horizon data highlights companies that confirm an earnings date earlier than usual, which is a bullish signal, and those that are late to confirm, which is a bearish cue. These data can be used in both the equity and options markets during earnings season when individual stocks can sink or surge.


Looking for earnings date shifts delivered faster?

Earnings Date Monitor

To meet the rapid delivery requirements of options traders, HFT/algo traders and market makers, Wall Street Horizon offers a streaming feed.



Factoring in dividends?

Dividend Monitor

To meet the fast delivery requirements of options traders, HFT/algo traders and market makers, we offer a streaming feed of announced dividend dates and amounts.



Need to know when companies report interim financials between earnings announcements?

Interim Calendar

With the new Interim Calendar, institutional investors and traders can access critical dates and information when public companies report key sales, production and financial information between their quarterly or semi-annual earnings announcements. Learn more.



Using Corporate Event Data to Navigate Low-Latency in Equity Options:
Strategies for Institutional Traders and Market Makers

This paper explores new trends in the development of event-based trading signals in the equity options market. Citing contemporary academic research into options pricing and volatility, it examines the reasons to use predictive corporate event data to drive options trading decisions, especially within the context of increased low-latency and high-frequency trading (HFT) market makers in the market.

Abstract and to download paper