The event data authority for trading & risk

Wall Street Horizon

Wall Street Horizon provides institutional traders and investors with the most accurate and comprehensive forward-looking corporate event data. Covering 11,000+ companies worldwide, we offer more than 40 corporate event types including earnings calendars, dividend dates, stock splits, mergers and acquisitions, investor conferences and more. By keeping clients apprised of critical market-moving events and event revisions, our data empowers financial professionals to take advantage of or avoid the ensuing volatility.

Sneak Peek of Earnings Calendar

Earnings TOday

Data Products

Mid-Q4 2024 Investor Conference & Events Highlights

Updated White Paper:

Exploring Corporate Event Data and Volatility: Considerations for Academic and Financial Industry Research


Data Minds - Dissecting Data in Shifting H2 Global Markets


Wall Street Horizon offers solutions customized to the speed and delivery formats you need including machine readable XML, API and streaming feeds.