With the increase in companies releasing interim financial statements, Wall Street Horizon is offering Interim Calendar. Now institutional investors and traders can access critical dates and information when public companies report key sales, production and financial information between their quarterly or semi-annual earnings announcements.
Key Benefits
Apart from earnings announcements and results, interim figures are often viewed as the most impactful events with a known horizon that can create volatility. Interim announcements are used to convey the performance of a company before the end of quarter or full-year financial reporting cycles.
A companion to Wall Street Horizon's flagship Earnings Calendar, Interim Calendar lets traders and investors incorporate event data alongside fundamentals into their trading and risk strategies. Knowledge of forthcoming events provides traders with the lead time they need to better anticipate volatility and gain a trading edge.
Interim Calendar tracks approximately 1,000 companies who regularly make interim announcements. Most are non-North American companies who report EPS twice a year and publish interim financial statements in the two off quarters. Also included are companies - many from the automotive, mining, airline, retail and service industries - that report sales, production, and service level figures either monthly or quarterly in advance of earnings.
Key Features
Interim Calendar events are delivered via API or FTP files and include:
- Event and Company identification fields
- Date, status, category, and source of upcoming interim announcements
- Conference Call information when available
- Date/time and URL of published announcement
Please request the user guide for detailed specifications on the file contents and delivery frequency.