Read the full article on See It Market.
Key Takeaways:
- S&P 500 EPS growth for Q2 2023 is set to come in at -7.2%, the lowest rate in nearly 3 years and potentially the third consecutive quarter of negative earnings growth
- Themes from Q2 and for H2 2023: possibility of recession, increasing interest rates, employment situation
- The LERI shows corporate uncertainty increasing to its highest level since the pandemic
- Peak weeks for Q2 season run from July 24 – August 11
So Will There Be a Recession in H2 or What?
As we head into the second quarter earnings season, many things will be on investor’s minds, but one question in particular is still nagging: “Is a recession still impending or have we missed it?” In the coming weeks those investors will be looking toward corporate America for answers to that query.