Wall Street Horizon is proud to sponsor Battlefin as a premiere provider on the new Ensemble platform.
BattleFin will bring together top Artificial Intelligence and Alternative Data Providers to showcase the latest in new data sets being used to create alpha. The event utilizes a One-on-One meeting format with 15 minute meetings and facilitates up to 8-10 meetings in one day. Think speed dating for Alpha & new VC investments.
Alternative Data Providers can showcase their products and services to hedge funds who buy data and venture capital funds looking to invest in the space.
Investment Managers and VC’s will be able to meet the Alternative Data Providers & AI firms face-to-face and learn about their products and services. The One-on-One meeting format is highly efficient.
To schedule a meeting with Barry Star, please contact bstar@wallstreethorizon.com or https://www.linkedin.com/in/barrystar/
For more information and agenda, please visit https://www.battlefin.com/discovery-new-york-2019