Institutional Investors Can Anticipate Volatility Using Enchilada Event DataFeed
Boston, MA – November 19, 2019 - Wall Street Horizon, the leading provider of corporate event data to institutional investors, today announced its corporate event data is available on the Open:FactSet Marketplace. Wall Street Horizon’s Enchilada DataFeed offers more than 40 corporate event types including earnings announcements, earnings revisions, dividend dates, option expiration dates, splits, spinoffs and investor-related conferences. Easily accessible via FactSet’s online platform for testing and purchase, the events cover over 7,500 global equities.
The Enchilada DataFeed can help institutional investors and traders avoid surprises caused by an event-triggered swing in a stock’s price by allowing them to access all the updated events and event changes alongside bespoke fundamental datasets. Clients can create and revise trading and risk strategies based on anticipated volatility derived from corporate event updates throughout the day – which can lead to uncovering alpha. Furthermore, all data is primary and publicly sourced, ensuring adherence to compliance requirements.
“We are pleased to be selected by FactSet for Wall Street Horizon’s comprehensive corporate event data,” said David Francoeur, VP of Wall Street Horizon. “Availability on the Open:FactSet Marketplace will further expand Wall Street Horizon’s reach in the asset management and risk space.”
“Wall Street Horizon is a solid addition to the Open:FactSet Marketplace,” said Lauren Stevens, Senior Vice President, Open:FactSet Strategy, FactSet. “Corporate event data is in high demand from our clients. Investment professionals are looking to integrate increased financial insight into their research that can sit alongside fundamental datasets, and, ultimately, into their trading and risk strategies.”
About Wall Street Horizon
Wall Street Horizon provides traders, portfolio managers, IROs, academics and others an ever-expanding set of forward-looking and historical corporate event datasets, including earnings dates, dividend dates, options expiration dates, splits, spinoffs and a wide variety of investor-related conferences. With access available via machine-readable feeds, the Enchilada web-based application and a growing network of channel partners, the company’s data is widely recognized for its unmatched accuracy and timeliness. For more information, please visit
Media Contact
Kathleen Ryan
Wall Street Horizon
781.994.3500 x228