WatersTechnology: Disrupting data delivery: AWS Data Exchange gains ground with addition of FactSet content

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At Amazon Web Services’ re:Invent conference in Las Vegas last week, the cloud giant unleashed a flurry of news, including the announcement that Nasdaq will move its matching engine to the cloud service beginning next year, and Goldman Sachs launched the Financial Cloud for Data, a suite of cloud-based data and analytics solutions that leverage AWS. But a third announcement flew largely under the radar: The AWS Data Exchange (ADX), unveiled two years ago, recruited its first major financial data provider—FactSet—to the platform.

Sources say the move could signal the beginning of an industry shift away from traditional data pipelines, databases, and technical costs and maintenance issues that come with bandwidth, security, and scalability, and toward a data-sharing model with potential to shake up the current commercial pricing models for data across financial services.