Wall Street Horizon polled the investment community with a range of questions on corporate events. The results of the 2016 Corporate Event Research Survey reinforce that corporate events are critical to trading.
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For over a decade, Wall Street Horizon has focused exclusively on one thing – extremely accurate corporate events data – because we know that corporate events impact volatility. For example, the results from recent independent academic studies have shown that changes in earnings date revisions can affect alpha.
Key findings include:
Corporate Events That Can Have an Impact On a Company's Stock Price
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For over a decade, Wall Street Horizon has focused exclusively on one thing – extremely accurate corporate events data – because we know that corporate events impact volatility. For example, the results from recent independent academic studies have shown that changes in earnings date revisions can affect alpha.
Key findings include:
- 92% of participants believe there is value knowing if a company has changed its earnings date
- 40% of participants have missed a corporate event due to an incorrect event date
- Furthermore, that incorrect date cost them money!
Corporate Events That Can Have an Impact On a Company's Stock Price